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Love’s End - And Then
The saga of Leora, Rafael, Juanita and Pedro continues as Ramon’s insane fixation and stalking of Leora puts them all in danger. His drug gang has grown into a private army, terrorizing all of Mexico and especially the victims he captures.
They fly to South America for Manuel and Rafael to compete in the Pan American equestrian events along with millionaire Señor Robles’s son and daughter, Marisol and Sebastian, all trained by Juanita’s Uncle Enrique. Leora’s terrible accident has left her defenseless and they return to the Robles’s well protected private villa where even those intricate defenses are destroyed by Ramon’s army. His last well planned attack causes Rafael and Manuel to go to extreme measures to save their friends.
P R O L O G U E:
The youthful bond between longtime friends Rafael and Leora and Juanita and Pedro has blossomed from their teens into love deep enough to stand the distances that now separate them.
Leora Hunter is allowed to return to the Palma’s Hacienda Palo Alto for the ten year celebration of the inauguration of the factory her father has helped start. They have been assured that their enemy, Ramon, is safely in prison and his drug army has been disbanded.
The money from the treasures the young friends discovered in the caverns under the hacienda has enabled the Palmas to rebuild the ruins of the hacienda and make a very successful hotel and equestrian center run by Juanita’s Abuelo (grandfather). The amazing Tarascan ruins they found in the caverns are a treasure that attracts scholars from many countries.